See us at evokeAG 2023!

Meet us at APAC’s premier agtech event, AgriFutures evokeAG! We’ll be at Startup Alley from 21-22 Feb.


2/20/20231 min read

We’re “packing” for Adelaide!

Meet us at APAC’s premier agtech event, AgriFutures evokeAG! We’ll be at Startup Alley from 21-22 Feb. 

LYRO is solving #labour shortage issues across the #food#supplychain, freeing up people for higher-value tasks. This year we’ll be packing tonnes and tonnes of avocado, capsicum, eggplant, zucchini and more!

Connect with us to see how our #robots can augment your #packing team. See you there!

evoke AG 2023 Highlights

Investor Dinner!
Our CEO Dr Nicole Robins was on stage for the Investor Pitch Dinner. Showcasing Lyro Robotics and the impact we have on the Australian agriculture sector ended with extensive applause and excited conversations with customers, farmers, and investors alike.

The evokeAG. Investor Pitch Dinner saw five Australian and New Zealand investment-ready agrifood startups, who have previously raised capital in funding rounds, and have strong traction in the market, pitch to a room full of domestic and international investors.

Lyro CEO Dr Nicole Robinson presenting the world-s first robotic packer for fresh produce at evokeagLyro CEO Dr Nicole Robinson presenting the world-s first robotic packer for fresh produce at evokeag

Customers, Customer, Customers
The exciting aspect of Evoke AG is the close interaction with our customers. We take pride in showcasing what our robots can do for them, and this always generates a lot of interest and excitement. We value the opportunity to engage with our customers, understand their needs, and provide solutions that meet their specific requirements.

Our robots have proven to be efficient, reliable, and versatile, making them ideal for a wide range of applications. Whether it's automating repetitive tasks, streamlining processes, or enhancing productivity, our robots have consistently delivered excellent results for our customers. We are thrilled to witness the positive impact our technology has on businesses and are committed to continuously improving and innovating to exceed customer expectations.